Author Archives: Eric

Michael Albert is a complete bought-off fuckwit

Like Democratic-party psyops and water carriers Kyle Kulinski, Krystal Ball, Cenk Uygur, Emma Vigeland, Sam Seder, David Pakman, or Thom Hartmann, Mike’s job now is to tell you he agrees with you how bad the Democrats are, but you have to vote for them anyway because the Republicans are just so much worse. Vote blue no matter who!

Such an embarrassment that the genius who came up with parecon is now just an ordinary, TDS-afflicted shitlib.

Fortunately, since Trump’s not yet in office, we don’t have to worry yet about anyone “gut[ting] the press.”

And Trump hurt Jim Acosta’s feelings…

The VBNMW liberals always describe the Republicans as fascists, but never seem to be able to apply that appellative to the Democrats. Fortunately, the Democrats have never done anything fascist…

Mike, please just hurry up and die before you can do any more damage to participatory economics! Your very existence at this point just convinces people that parecon is just liberal horse shit.

You lived long enough to see yourself become the villain, and now pareconists are going to have to apologize for you before we can even begin to discuss the only worthwhile alternative to capitalism and all forms of socialism.

Fuck you for doing this. 🙃

Michael Albert, you dumb fuck

Mike, please make like Lydia and just go die already before you do any more damage to the cause of participatory economics.  Everything you do at this point just makes parecon look like a liberal psyop.

In 2004, the left argued people should vote for Kerry over Bush to send a message to the rest of the world that the people of America did not support Bush’s invasion of Iraq. I hated Kerry, but agreed with the logic and voted for the horse-faced war criminal Democratic piece of shit.

The same logic, but with the parties reversed, should have applied in 2024.  But Mike long ago became a water carrier, wittingly or unwittingly, for the Democratic party. And since he doesn’t have the decency to die, he repeatedly tried to frighten you into voting blue no matter who.

Now we see plainly that, as the Muslims in Michigan understood, a vote for Kamala was a vote for genocide.

Who knows what Trump will do after this, but clearly, this wouldn’t have happened had he not won.

Mike, you fucking sellout piece of shit, you’ve put pareconists (all three or four of us, admittedly) in the position where we have to repudiate you in order to have any chance to win anything around parecon.

I’m a pareconist, and I don’t give a fuck about you. You picked the dark side. So please, enjoy your upcoming stay in hell.  Maybe Noam will save you a seat.